Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cost of War Gaming

I was scanning my blog list this morning an saw a post on HOUSE OF PAINCAKES what really caught my eye was the cost comparison between a Forge World Space Marine Captain and a Games Workshop Space Marine Captain.
Once again reminded why I stopped Warhammer 40K as a hobby. Do not get me wrong I love Games Workshops models it was what originally got me started in miniature war gaming I'd say 1998 or so. I just don't understand the inevitable price creep in every model every year where as I can go to other game systems and get the same scale and get two or three times the number of models for the same price. Take WARLORD GAMES's Bolt Action's Blitzkrieg German Infantry Plastic Box set you get 30 models for the same price. I will admit I have no experience with the Bolt Action line personally but from what I have seen on the web they are as good as any of Games Workshops products.

BATTLEFTONT'S Flames of War being my current game of choice comparing 15mm to 28mm isn't fair but you sure do get a lot more models for comparable price. Some gamers its all about the game system others the models those just getting into it "again" it can be the cost the initial out lay for an army can be high several hundreds of dollars in many cases. I just don't know if Games Workshop realizes that it is alienating a portion of its market that may or may not return. Personally I don't have any plans to work on the mountain of Imperial guard I have stored in the closet and I am considering selling them but the jury is still out. Thanks for reading my little rant please leave comments.

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