Saturday, November 5, 2016

Kickstarter: Tabletop Hex Terrain Toolkit

I came across this very interesting Kickstarter for making your own modular hex terrain. I have for a long time been looking at a multitude of different options and always made compromises. I think this might just scratch all my itches for modularity and realism all in one little tool.


  1. I think in the comments it say they are 83mm or about 3.5 inches. It is not my project so double check the Kickstarter

  2. Thanks for that. I looked deeper into the article and discovered they were 100mm from point to point, so that leaves me out. Good idea though.

  3. Just curious why does it leave you out?

  4. That will do it wonder it that was done on purpose or just a consequence of the design. Shame for you bet it could save a bit of money making your own.
