I have to give this great project a plug, as I prepare to move to a possible Wargaming black hole, I don't want to let my enthusiasm wane and anything that will keep this great Hobby stronger and more prominent the better. Consider supporting the movie.

Miniature Wargaming: The Movie
This is the first ever film to explore the fascinating world of miniature wargaming; a hobby enjoyed by millions of people across the globe. The featured film will contain exclusive interviews & stories from industry leaders such as Rick Priestley, Alan & Michael Perry, John Stallard, Paul Sawyer and many more.

The film explores the work of Steamforged Games, Wargames Illustrated, Warlord Games, Battle Foam, MiniWarGaming, Hawk Games and many more leading and upcoming companies in the sector. The film also follows four amazing personal stories as we discover what miniature wargaming really is.
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